Manajemen Sekolah Dasar

Posted By admin On 24.10.19

Manajemen Sekolah Dasar 6,4/10 4735 reviews
  1. Tujuan Manajemen Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui, 1) upaya peningkatan mutu pendidikan melalui penerapan manajemen berbasis sekolah pada pen-didikan dasar. Fungsi manajemen adalah elemen-elemen dasar yang akan selalu ada dan melekat di dalam proses manajemen yang akan dijadikan acuan oleh manajer dalam melaksanakan kegiatan untuk mencapai tujuan. [butuh rujukan] Fungsi manajemen pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh seorang industrialis Perancis bernama Henry Fayol pada awal abad ke-20. “MANAJEMEN SEKOLAH DASAR (SD)” Manajemen Pendidikan Pendidikan merupakan kegiatan yang sangat penting bagi penyiapan anak-anak untuk menghadapi kehidupannya di masa mendatang. Bahkan gejala proses pendidikan ini sudah ada sejak manusia ada, meskipun proses pelaksanaannya masih sangat sederhana.

Abstract: The effective and efficient Qur'an learning management is a supporting factor to achieve the goal of learning the Qur'an in school in order to produce Qur'anic generation. The purpose of this study was to find out the planning, implementation, evaluation, and obstacles in learning the Qur'an in Nurul Ishlah Integrated Islamic Elementary School (SDIT Nurul Ishlah) of Banda Aceh.This study used descriptive method with qualitative approach.

Manajemen Sekolah Dasar

The techniques of data collection were interview, observation, and documentation. The subjects of this study were principal and Qur'an teachers in SDIT Nurul Ishlah.The results of the study were: (1) The planning was formulated by teachers based on the curriculum set by the school, but some teachers were not able to plan effectively in the learning.


Tujuan Manajemen Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar

(2) The implementation of learning the Qur'an applied by SDIT Nurul Ishlah was in accordance with activities planned, the teachers gave motivation to the students by using various methods and learning media starting from beginning activity with praying and revising memorizationof the Qur'an classically. In main activity, the students performed their memorization to the teachers individually, then the students revised their memorization and learned the memorization of surah individually, and in final activity, the teachers gave motivation to the students to revise their memorization at home by showing motivation videos of children who love Qur'an. However, some students could not finish the tasks given by the teachers. (3) The evaluation was carried out by written exam and practice exam of reading and memorizing the Qur'an by assessing the quality of reciting, pronunciation, tajweed, and fluency, but some students could not perform their memorization fluently. (4) The obstacle faced by the teachers was the lack of motivation and interest of students to revise their memorization that made the learning quality was not improved.